Pentingnya agama bagi manusia

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Microwaves, electromagnetic interference and compatibility, and fiber optics

Besides wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas, there are several
other areas of applications of EM. These include microwaves, electromagnetic interference
and compatibility, fiber optics, satellite communication, bioelectromagnetics, electric
machines, radar meteorology, and remote sensing. Due to space limitation, we shall cover
the first three areas in this chapter: microwaves, electromagnetic interference and compatibility,
and fiber optics. Since these topics are advanced, only an introductory treatment of
each topic will be provided. Our discussion will involve applying the circuit concepts
learned in earlier courses and the EM concepts learned in earlier chapters

Bab 14 Microwaves, electromagnetic interference and compatibility, and fiber optics 3rd element sadiku (buku berbahasa inggris, dilengkapi contoh (soal+pembahasan )

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