MicroHydro Power Electricity
Water flowing from a high place
to a place of tranquility has potential energy ( energy that has objects of
heights ) the higher the object , the more energy bazaar also owned the object
, the amount of energy that a lot of this can be utilized to produce a new,
more energy useful , and supported by good planning for development , then this
energy source will be able to help overcome the problem of energy crisis
throughout the country. Micro hydro power plant or more commonly known as ( MHP
) once again could be one solution to the energy crisis in the country .
Broadly speaking, Indonesia has
a mountainous topography propagating scattered throughout the territory .
Generally in a mountainous area , but the population is relatively less, this
condition inhibits the development of infrastructure by the government or
private , this is because the imbalance costs ( production , transportation )
and maintenance ( spare parts , difficult delivery for heavy equipment
machinery ) with the results obtained . Therefore , electricity is still
something that is expensive for the people of the mountains in the country .
Mountain areas have a great
energy in the form of water , rivers in the mountains relatively heavy , so
many springs that can be used for small hydropower plants or ( MHP ) , we can
conclude that the " true nature has provided resources around the corners
it's just that we lack in exploiting the natural resources of all this well
" .
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